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Cognism Review: The Verdict on its Services, Efficiency & Pricing


With the ever-evolving business landscape, every company strives for higher sales. After all, it is the primary source of income for businesses, directly impacting the company's performance, revenue, and expansion. While there’s no dearth of sales tools out there, the one that draws our attention is Cognism. It’s a sales intelligence tool for businesses looking for quality leads. But does it really work for businesses? Let’s find out in this
in-depth Cognism review

Cognism is a boon for the sales team. How? It has a massive 5.6 billion data points that provide the sales team with top-notch data for lead generation. That’s what we found on the internet about this tool. As a team of IT enthusiasts and marketing minds, we don’t believe in claims but practical results. So, we quickly put Cognism to the test to find out whether it is worth it or just another hyped tool. 

We believe before you pay for Cognism's subscription plan, you must have a clear idea of some important aspects, such as how It works, its pros and cons, pricing, features, and services. You should at least know what you will get and how you can use it to increase your business’ sales efficiency. 

You may find only marketed posts about this tool on the internet, with many websites advertising it as the best product. But in this honest Cognism review, we will share our personal experiences of using this tool and give our verdict on whether it worked for us or not. So, let’s get started!

5 Interesting Facts About Cognism You Probably Don't Know Yet

Before we review Cognism, here are some interesting facts and key statistics about this tool that you should know before using it. 

  • Cognism has an estimated market share of 0.1%. (Source: 6sence.com)
  • The tool is being used by over 1800 users globally. (Source: Cognism.com)
  • The tool claims to generate 7X more leads and a 95-98% deliverability rate for email campaigns.
  • Some of Cognism's competitors include ZoomInfo, Apollo.io, UpLead, and RocketReach.
  • Cognism provides data in the form of firmographics, technographics, sales trigger events, intent data, verified business emails, and phone-verified mobile numbers. 

Market Share of Cognism vs Other Sales Tools


What Is Cognism?

Cognism is a sales intelligence tool that provides businesses with precise and actionable data. Its cutting-edge technology and extensive data coverage empower sales teams to connect with their targeted clients through phone, email, and social media channels.

With a database of 400 million B2B profiles, Cognism allows businesses to pinpoint potential accounts, understand the purchasing team, and engage directly with consumers. Moreover, Cognism's Chrome extension is compatible with LinkedIn and LinkedIn Sales Navigator, making it an invaluable asset for outbound data automation.

Cognism's data quality and compliance are clear, with features that refresh outdated records and supplement missing data points. The platform's advantages also include its user-friendly search functionality, which minimizes manual research time and boosts efficient prospecting. As a user, we can attest to the platform's effectiveness and utility in the sales intelligence domain.

Apart from sales, Cognism can serve a variety of purposes. Here’s a data visualization of how businesses are using Cognism for different services:


How Does Cognism Work?

Cognism has in-built machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. It’s capable of scanning millions of records and websites to collect contact information. By analyzing billions of global data points, Cognism provides businesses with actionable insights through its SaaS platform. 


Cognism’s distinctive AI and ML technology allows for the linking of data points, creating a robust database with detailed information for each individual and company. The platform empowers businesses to enhance their sales strategies with advanced intelligence, from generating intent data to identifying companies seeking solutions to compiling comprehensive prospect lists. 

Who Is Cognism for?

Cognism is a versatile platform that serves various departments within an organization, with a particular emphasis on sales, marketing, revenue teams, and Go-to-Market (GTM) leaders. 


Here’s how Cognism helps each department within an organization: 

Sales Teams

Cognism offers a range of services. It allows teams to connect directly with valuable and verified contacts, simplifies the process of prospecting new leads, provides access to specific company data, aids in international expansion, and facilitates integration with your company's CRM system.

Marketing Teams

Cognism is a powerful marketing tool. It enables them to identify new accounts needing a sales intelligence solution, boost the number of outbound meetings with sales representatives, expand their total addressable market (TAM), discover new distribution channels, and enrich the company's database with comprehensive contact information.

GTM Leaders

The platform aids in the development of strategic initiatives to grow the company. It helps them identify buyer intent, ensures compliance with data privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA, and provides access to a wealth of contact details. These features collectively enable businesses to accelerate growth, achieve revenue targets, and venture into new markets.

Revenue Teams

Cognism supports revenue teams by offering three key components. It enables these teams to uncover new insights that can enhance market coverage by creating territorial action plans, initiating conversations with new clients by identifying missing lead values and managing a marketing campaign from a single dashboard. These components empower sales teams to conduct focused conversations and predictably close deals.

How Accurate is Cognism?

In our opinion for Cognism review, we found it to be a highly accurate platform for B2B data and sales intelligence. It's been instrumental in driving pipeline growth and enhancing business development functions. The quality of contact data is impressive, and the intent feature provides valuable insights for targeted marketing campaigns. 

The user-friendly interface and seamless availability of data have significantly increased productivity. However, like any platform, it's not without its criticisms. Some users have raised concerns about data privacy. However, Cognism has committed to addressing these issues, emphasizing compliance with GDPR & CCPA. 

Overall, Cognism is a reliable tool for anyone seeking to boost their sales and marketing efforts. It's a platform. We would recommend it for its accuracy, ease of use, and comprehensive features.

Is It Possible to Integrate Cognism with CRMs?

Yes, it is possible to Integrate Cognism with a variety of widely-used CRM platforms. This feature is particularly beneficial for sales and revenue teams. The importance of a CRM platform for the success of any sales team cannot be overstated. 

Hence, Cognism's team has ensured that their service can be accessed seamlessly from top-tier CRM services, enhancing accessibility and efficiency. 

Here are some of the CRM platforms that Cognism seamlessly integrates with:

  • Salesforce
  • HubSpot
  • Pipedrive
  • SalesLoft

As a user of Cognism, we can attest to the plethora of functionalities that this B2B sales intelligence platform offers its clients daily, especially when integrated with Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, or SalesLoft. 

Cognism Pricing


Cognism offers two primary subscription plans
: the Diamond Plan, which has a $25,000 access fee and a $2,500 per user fee, and the Platinum Plan, which has a $15,000 access fee and a $1,500 per user fee. 

While seemingly high, the pricing is justified by the extensive features and benefits that Cognism provides. The platform offers a comprehensive B2B sales intelligence solution, complete with accurate and compliant data, unrestricted data views, and seamless CRM integration. 

When compared to competitors like ZoomInfo, Clearbit, UpLead, and Emitrr, Cognism's pricing might seem on the higher side. However, considering the quality of data, the range of features, and the level of customization it offers, we believe the pricing is competitive and offers good value for money.

Top 7 Cognism Alternatives in 2024

As the sales intelligence industry expands, the number of emerging Cognism competitors is vying to become the leading B2B data provider. 

Here are our top picks for Cognism competitors:

#1. Zoominfo


Cognism and Zoominfo are both powerful tools for B2B sales and marketing. Cognism shines with its AI-driven data enrichment and prospecting capabilities, boasting a 4.5-star rating. 

On the other hand, Zoominfo, with a 4-star rating, excels in providing detailed insights about businesses and contacts. However, Cognism's data accuracy and integration capabilities seem to edge out Zoominfo.

Cognism vs Zoominfo





Cognism has a rating of 4.5 stars

Zoominfo has a rating of 4 stars

Data Accuracy

Cognism is known for its accurate and up-to-date global contact database.

Zoominfo provides detailed insights about businesses and contacts.


Cognism integrates with your existing tech stack, including native Salesforce integration.

Zoominfo consolidates tech solutions needed to integrate different sales process steps into a single platform.


Cognism offers simple, predictable pricing with unrestricted viewing and page-level exporting of global data in all packages.

Zoominfo’s pricing details are not explicitly mentioned.


Cognism is compliant with international data laws, including CCPA & GDPR.

Compliance details for Zoominfo are not explicitly mentioned.

#2. Amplemarket


Amplemarket provides a robust platform for sales engagement with global data coverage and 98% accuracy. However, Cognism offers a more comprehensive solution with phone-verified mobile numbers and broader geographical coverage. Amplemarket's unrestricted data views and GDPR and CCPA compliance make it a Cognism alternative.

Cognism vs Amplemarket




Data Accuracy

Cognism provides an accurate and up-to-date global contact database.

Amplemarket offers global data coverage with 98% accuracy.


Cognism offers features like Diamond Verified Phone Data, unrestricted views, and CRM integration.

Amplemarket provides features like contact and company search, enrichment, multi-channel selling, and automated sales workflows.


Cognism integrates with popular CRM platforms.

Amplemarket’s integration details are not explicitly mentioned.


Cognism is compliant with GDPR and CCPA data laws.

Compliance details for Amplemarket are not explicitly mentioned.

User Experience

Cognism is known for its user-friendly interface and seamless user experience.

User reviews suggest that Amplemarket is easy to use and offers good customer support.

#3. Cognism vs Sales Leads


While Sales Leads isn't a direct competitor to Cognism, it's worth mentioning that Cognism's advanced features, like intent data, lead enrichment, and CRM integration, make it a comprehensive solution for lead generation and sales intelligence.

Cognism vs Sales Leads



Sales Leads

Data Accuracy

Cognism provides an accurate and up-to-date global contact database.

Sales Leads’ data accuracy is not explicitly mentioned.


Cognism offers features like Diamond Verified Phone Data, unrestricted views, and CRM integration.

Features of Sales Leads are not explicitly mentioned.


Cognism integrates with popular CRM platforms.

Integration details for Sales Leads are not explicitly mentioned.


Cognism is compliant with GDPR and CCPA data laws.

Compliance details for Sales Leads are not explicitly mentioned.

User Experience

Cognism is known for its user-friendly interface and seamless user experience.

User reviews suggest that Sales Leads is easy to use and offers good customer support.

#4. Clearbit

B2B Marketing Intelligence | Clearbit

Clearbit is a marketing-first tool that provides real-time account and contact data. However, the Cognism database is more extensive with the availability of phone-verified mobile numbers and broader EMEA coverage. The platform’s unrestricted data views and GDPR and CCPA compliance make it a compelling alternative to Clearbit.

Cognism vs Clearbit




Data Accuracy

Cognism provides an accurate and up-to-date global contact database.

Clearbit focuses on delivering email addresses and company phone numbers.


Cognism offers features like Diamond Verified Phone Data, unrestricted views, and CRM integration.

Clearbit provides B2B data enrichment and enrichment APIs.


Cognism integrates with popular CRM platforms.

Clearbit’s integration details are not explicitly mentioned.


Cognism is compliant with GDPR and CCPA data laws.

Compliance details for Clearbit are not explicitly mentioned.

User Experience

Cognism is known for its user-friendly interface and seamless user experience.

User experience details for Clearbit are not explicitly mentioned.

#5. Seamless AI


Seamless AI offers features like a real-time search engine and intent data. Just like Cognism, the tool offers broader geographical coverage and unrestricted data views. However, the GDPR and CCPA compliance of Cognism make it a strong contender as the best sales intelligence software.

Cognism vs Seamless AI



Seamless AI

Data Quality

Cognism provides an accurate global B2B database that is compliant with applicable data laws. It also offers phone-verified mobile numbers.

Seamless AI provides real-time search engine, intent data, and automated list building. However, it doesn’t offer phone-verified mobiles.

Data Coverage

Cognism has the most complete data in the EMEA and next-level mobile coverage in the US.

Seamless AI’s data is primarily geared toward the US.


Cognism is GDPR & CCPA-compliant.

Seamless AI is only CCPA compliant.


Reviewers found Cognism easier to use, set up, and administer.

Seamless AI also offers ease of use, but reviewers preferred Cognism.

Business Needs

Reviewers felt that Cognism meets the needs of their business better than Seamless AI.

Seamless AI also meets business needs, but reviewers preferred Cognism.

#6. Tami


Cognism and TAMI are both powerful B2B data providers. Cognism stands out with its accurate global database, phone-verified mobile numbers, and compliance with GDPR and CCPA data laws. It also offers unrestricted data views at the page level/individual exports. 

On the other hand, TAMI provides a B2B database of company and contact information. However, it lacks phone-verified mobiles, and its data coverage and compliance details need to be specified. 

Cognism vs Tami




Data Quality

Cognism provides an accurate global B2B database that is compliant with GDPR and CCPA data laws. It also offers phone-verified mobile numbers.

TAMI provides a B2B database of company and contact information. However, it doesn’t offer phone-verified mobiles.

Data Coverage

Cognism has the most complete data in the EMEA and next-level mobile coverage in the US.

TAMI’s data coverage is not specified.


Cognism is GDPR & CCPA-compliant.

TAMI’s compliance is not specified.


Cognism offers unrestricted data views on page level/individual exports.

With TAMI, you’ll have to pay for monthly company credits.

Business Needs

Cognism meets the needs of businesses better than TAMI.

TAMI also meets business needs, but reviewers preferred Cognism.

#7. SalesIntel


SalesIntel and Cognism are both powerful B2B sales tools. SalesIntel offers features like intent data by Bombora, technographic, firmographic search, and website visitor tracking. On the other hand, Cognism provides a global contact database, Diamond Verified Phone Data, sales trigger alerts, and CRM integration tools. 

Cognism is recognized for its strong phone and email data, having 4x more contacts than SalesIntel. However, SalesIntel is appreciated for its ease of setup and administration.

Cognism vs SalesIntel




Data Quality

Cognism provides an accurate global B2B database that is compliant with applicable data laws. It also offers phone-verified mobile numbers.

SalesIntel also provides a B2B database. However, it doesn’t offer phone-verified mobiles.

Data Coverage

Cognism has the most complete data in the EMEA and next-level mobile coverage in the US.

SalesIntel’s data coverage is not specified.


Cognism is GDPR & CCPA-compliant.

SalesIntel’s compliance is not specified.


Cognism offers unrestricted data views on page level/individual exports.

SalesIntel’s usability is not specified.

Business Needs

Cognism meets the needs of businesses better than SalesIntel.

SalesIntel also meets business needs, but reviewers preferred Cognism.

Looking for Quality Leads? Try Our Digital Marketing Services

When discussing lead generation and digital marketing, it's impossible to overlook the innovative solutions provided by Mtoag Technologies. As a seasoned player in the industry, Mtoag has been instrumental in helping businesses connect with their target audience effectively. 

While reviewing Cognism's robust sales intelligence platform, it's worth noting that Mtoag complements such services by offering a comprehensive suite of digital solutions. From website development to mobile app creation and even SEO, Mtoag ensures businesses have all the tools they need to succeed in the digital world.

So, while you're leveraging Cognism for your sales intelligence, consider enhancing your digital presence with Mtoag's vast array of services. It's not just about reaching your potential customers but also about providing them with an engaging and seamless user experience. 

Is Cognism Worth It?

After our detailed Cognism review, it is clear that the range of services and features it provides are enough to appeal to any business. With massive data points and high accuracy, Cognism has been instrumental in increasing quality leads and sales.

However, if for any reason, you think Cognism isn’t the one you’re looking for, you can check out our list of Cognism alternatives. These sales intelligence tools might be the right fit for your requirements. 

But before you decide, always remember the best sales intelligence tool is one that matches your specific requirements. This Cognism review aims to evaluate this platform deeply to clear any doubts regarding it.


How Much is Cognism Worth?

Cognism offers two primary subscription plans: the Diamond Plan, which has a $25,000 access fee and a $2,500 per user fee, and the Platinum Plan, which has a $15,000 access fee and a $1,500 per user fee.

What is Cognism Used for?

It's a sales intelligence platform enhancing lead prospecting and data enrichment for businesses.

How did Cognism Get my Data?

Cognism gathers data using AI from public sources like social media and proprietary algorithms.

Is Cognism Better than ZoomInfo?

Cognism and Zoominfo are both powerful tools for B2B sales and marketing. Cognism shines with its AI-driven data enrichment and prospecting capabilities, boasting a 4.5-star rating. On the other hand, Zoominfo, with a 4-star rating, excels in providing detailed insights about businesses and contacts. However, Cognism's data accuracy and integration capabilities seem to edge out Zoominfo.

Does Cognism Integrate with Hubspot?

Yes, Cognism integrates with HubSpot, allowing for seamless export of contacts and data synchronization.

Does Cognism Integrate with Zoho?

Cognism and Zoho CRM can be integrated through automation platforms like Zapier.

How do I Use Cognism on LinkedIn?

Cognism's Chrome Extension enables exporting LinkedIn profiles directly into the Cognism platform or integrated CRMs.

Does Cognism Integrate with Salesforce?

Yes, Cognism integrates with Salesforce, allowing users to export contacts directly from the Cognism Web Application into Salesforce as Leads or Contacts. Admin users must first set up the integration, including field mappings before other organization members can use it. The integration does not support the Salesforce Essentials package.

Yogesh Pant

Yogesh Pant is a CEO and founder of Mtoag Technologies, a Top mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development.

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